Sunday, June 2, 2013

Poor as Dirt

We have a saying in the south known as "poor as dirt".  Well, things have been really tight lately and I am poorer than dirt.  I didn't want to spend money on topsoil so I have been cannibalizing it from different areas, old flower beds etc., around the yard.  I guess a more appropriate term would be upcycling.  I can't imagine what the neighbors think.  Hopefully, I will have everything in order by the end of the summer and they will see that there is a method to my madness. 
The good news is that I was able to fill the little lady raised bed with topsoil and get the seeds into the dirt.  I was so excited that I completely overplanted the thing.  I now have carrots, zucchini, peas, okra, cucumbers and watermelon all planted in a 4' x 8' space.  It is going to be survival of the fittest. It will be interesting to see who makes it. 


  1. Yay Christine !!! Welcome to the blogosphere !!! Look forward to reading your posts and having coffee on Tuesdays.

  2. Thanks! This will certainly be an adventure although I don't know if it will be as exciting as the crocodile.

  3. I do the same thing! I re-use sod...and upcycle almost everything I can!
