Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mom, Where Are You?

 In addition to the edible garden I am planting this year, I am also doing some landscaping.  Things are pretty overgrown.  There are some trees that I can't even get under to mow. So a little pruning is in order.


The son:           Mom, where are you?

The mommy:   Outside.

The son:           Where outside?

The mommy:   Uh . . . in the tree . . . with a saw.

The son:           What are you doing?

The mommy:   Cutting down some limbs.

The son:           Are you standing on any of them?

The mommy:   Maybe you should help me down.

 Despite a less than stellar beginning, I did get the job done with a little help from the son.


  1. Love your blog and your determination. Remember "Sow and you shall reap" I'm taking a leap of faith and will start collecting canning jars.

  2. Thank you so much. I promise to share the bounty.

  3. you did a great job! I am enjoying your blog!!! all I have to say is do what you like...there is no such thing as an ugly garden if it is done with love!

  4. Thank you so much Tootsie. I can use all the encouragement I can get. The task is daunting, but I am loving it.
